We are looking forward to meet on the 4th of February at the SMH Technician meeting, that will take place in Ospedale Regionale di Bellinzona, San Giovanni. The topic will be on CLL, followed by an labtour.
New format: SMH Journal Club
Today the first SMH Journal Club took place. It was initiated and held by our vice president Britta Hartmann. She presented an important paper on germline assement for allogeneic stem cell transplant candidates. The paper can be found in the member area. We were very happy about the lively discussion about technical and ethical considerations and we would like to thank the members for their numerous attendance and will continue the format in 2025.So stay toon for further SMH JC to come!
Review of the September Business Meeting
The in person Business Meeting was very well attended and this was not by chance. The meeting was dedicated to Dr. Elisabeth Oppliger-Leibundgut, one of the founders of the SMH, which gave an overview over her important work in the field and took as back to the beginning of the SMH. We thank Elisabeth for all this years of dedication to bring molecular diagnostics forward in Switzerland and beeing an important international representation. Additionally there where presentation about the AML classification and how the different labs performe their AML testings. There were important updates on IvDv, rembursements and EQC. Some of the presentation you can find in the members area.
One interessting suggestion was made during the meeting by Britta Hartmann and Jacqueline Schoumans to come up with short in-between meetings, where the different labs join for a short virtual lunch meeting, discussing important new literatur and pressing upcoming topics. We from the boad think, this exchange supports our members more in the daily life and we will start organizing a pilot project by end of the year. You will be contacted if your lab is interessted to participate in such a format.
After the meeting, which was hosted in Berne, there was a nice farewell apero for Elisabeths retirement on the rooftop bar nido where besides a stunning view over the city, the society enjoyed the networking with exchanges between the labs and lively discussions. We hope to see you all latest in february, when Ticino will be hosting the next technician and academics meeting! So save the date for the 4th of february 2025!
Thank you for attending the Diagnostic Meeting!
The days at this year’s Diagnostics Meeting were very interesting and full of activities. The very well-attended meeting offered the opportunity for networking and a lot of good professional input.
Special thanks therefore goes to our keynote speaker Ana Rio-Machin from the Barts Cancer Institute Queen Mary University of London, who introduced us to the emerging topic of hereditary leukemias with a very clear and broadly informative presentation and stimulated many discussions. We are very happy that we can make her interessting presentation available to all our members in the member area.
Jacqueline Schoumans‘ crash course was also very well attended and gave the trainees the opportunity to learn the techniques in a memorable way. The first day was rounded off with the exciting cases from St. Gallen, Aarau and Berne, which provided plenty to talk about afterwards.
The SMH Board would like to thank all speakers and participants and is motivated to organize a part of the Diagnostics Meeting again next year. But before the next Diagnostics Meeting (which will take place in May 2025), it is now SAVE THE DATE for the next business meeting on September 17. More detailed information will follow soon.
SSH Diagnostic Meeting 2024
It is our pleasure to invite you to the 4th SSH Diagnostic Meeting, which will take place from 19 – 20 June 2024 at the Zentrum Paul Klee in Bern. The first day will be of interest for all our members and technicians as it will be organized by the SMH with the topic on hereditary leukemia and we will again offer crash courses for less specialised trainees.
The detailed program you can find here.
In general the two-day meeting is designed to contribute to the clinical application of all techniques in the diagnostic field of hematology and will include the traditional microscopy course, as well as courses on hemostasis, flow cytometry, hematology genetics, immune hematology and transfusion medicine.
For more information and registration, please visit https://www.sgh-ssh.ch/ssh-diagnostic-meeting/
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Berne!
New composition of the Board from March 2024
The SMH Board was successfully elected at the last General Meeting. We would like to thank Jacqueline Schoumans for her many years of work as SMH President. The new Board will continue this important work in the exchange of knowledge and in representing the interests of SMH members in various political bodies.
We congratulate the newly elected and re-eclected Board members, who were all elected unanimously. You can find the positions of the new Board members under the heading „Board members“. The Board took up its work after the last business meeting and will be in office for the next three years.
Business Meeting 26th of March 2024 (Virtuell)
The next Business Meeting took taking place virtually from 10 to 12:15 a.m.
The scientific topic was lymphoma and with a very intresting and comprehensive presentation on liquid biopsy in lymphoma. You can find the presentations in the member area.
Further the new Board Election took place for the next three years regular legislature.
Further the important topic IvDV was updated by Britta Hartmann, and we keep up with regular insights in the work from the working group of the SSMG.
You will find the minutes of the meeting in the member area.
Thank you all for a terrific Annual Technician and Academics Meeting 2024!
We would like to thank the Molecular Diagnostics team and all involved persons at the CHUV for a successful day!
The meeting was very well attended and the presentations on plasma cell myeloma were exciting and excellent presented. The event was crowned by the lab tour with a breathtaking view.
You can find the presentation from the meeting in the member area. If you are interested to become a new SMH member, please apply via the form on our website.
We have more good news and can already announce the next meeting: Ticino will welcome us in Bellinzona on the 4th of February 2025 and provide us with further training on the topic of CLL. We are already looking forward to it!
Annual Technician and Academics Meeting 2024
We look forward to welcoming you to the
Annual Technician Meeting, Tuesday 23rd of January 2024
Main topic: Plasma cell myeloma
The auditorium Alexandre Yersin is located in the main hospital building. Stay at the ground floor (BH08) and follow the signs „auditorium“.
CAS in Personalized Molecular Oncology
Dear members
Enclosed you will find information and the link to the CAS in Personalized Molecular Oncology 2024 from the university of Basel in collaboration with CHUV and the University Hospital of Basel.