Review of the September Business Meeting

The in person Business Meeting was very well attended and this was not by chance. The meeting was dedicated to Dr. Elisabeth Oppliger-Leibundgut, one of the founders of the SMH, which gave an overview over her important work in the field and took as back to the beginning of the SMH. We thank Elisabeth for all this years of dedication to bring molecular diagnostics forward in Switzerland and beeing an important international representation. Additionally there where presentation about the AML classification and how the different labs performe their AML testings. There were important updates on IvDv, rembursements and EQC. Some of the presentation you can find in the members area.

One interessting suggestion was made during the meeting by Britta Hartmann and Jacqueline Schoumans to come up with short in-between meetings, where the different labs join for a short virtual lunch meeting, discussing important new literatur and pressing  upcoming topics. We from the boad think, this exchange supports our members more in the daily life and we will start organizing a pilot project by end of the year. You will be contacted if your lab is interessted to participate in such a format.

After the meeting, which was hosted in Berne, there was a nice farewell apero for Elisabeths retirement on the rooftop bar nido where besides a stunning view over the city, the society enjoyed the networking with exchanges between the labs and lively discussions. We hope to see you all latest in february, when Ticino will be hosting the next technician and academics meeting! So save the date for the 4th of february 2025!